First image by Claude Ferdinand Gaillard, Wikimedia Commons:
Second image by Unknown Author, Wikimedia Commons:

In a message dated 2 January 2025, and published on 30 January, Pope Francis commemorated the 150th anniversary of the death of Dom Prosper Guéranger, the founder of the Solesmes Congregation. Addressed to Dom Geoffroy Kemlin, Abbot of Saint-Pierre de Solesmes and President of the Solesmes Congregation, the Pope’s letter highlights Guéranger’s significant contributions to the Church.

Pope Francis emphasized two key aspects of Guéranger’s legacy: his unwavering fidelity to the Holy See, particularly in liturgical matters, and his role as a spiritual father. The Pope noted that Guéranger was a pioneer of the Liturgical Movement, which eventually led to the Second Vatican Council’s Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium. He also praised Guéranger’s dedication to restoring Benedictine monastic life in France and his efforts to make the beauty and richness of the liturgy accessible to both clergy and laity through his writings, such as L’année liturgique.

Reflecting on Guéranger’s spiritual fatherhood, Pope Francis highlighted his gentle and joyful trust in God, which deeply touched not only monks and nuns but also laypeople, including families and individuals seeking spiritual guidance. The Pope expressed his hope that Guéranger’s example would inspire the faithful to love Christ and the Church, fostering unity and a spirit of service.

The message concludes with the Pope’s prayer that Dom Guéranger’s work continues to bear fruits of holiness among the faithful and remains a living testimony to the vitality of monastic life at the heart of the Church.

For the full text of Pope Francis’s message, please visit the Vatican’s official website at the links below.