Once again, our Anselmian community can congratulate one of our long-standing members on a new responsibility. On 30 January, Archabbot Luca Fallica of Montecassino appointed Fr. Jordi-Agustí Piqué i Collado, O.S.B., as the new claustral prior of the Archabbey.
Fr. Jordi is a monk of Montserrat in Catalonia, Spain. A graduate in solfeggio, piano, and organ, he also holds a doctorate in Dogmatic Theology from the Gregorian University in Rome. He was Choir Master and Director of the Escolania de Montserrat. At Sant’Anselmo, he served as a professor at the Pontifical Institute of Liturgy and was its president for three terms. He is also a Consultor for the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints.
Montecassino is the emblematic place of origin of our Benedictine tradition. We are grateful that his monastery is making this capable monk available for the important task of helping to lead this monastic community. For Sant’Anselmo, both for the Athenaeum and for our resident community, his departure to Montecassino is a sacrifice. However, we understand and accept that our Roman house is here to serve the monasteries of the Confederation.
Our prayers and best wishes accompany Prior Jordi-Agustí as he embarks on this new mission.