Recently, Benedictine communities have received emails claiming to come from Abbot Primate Jeremias, Emeritus Abbot Primate Gregory, from Benedictine Sisters in Tanzania and from the Abbey of N.D. des Deux Montagnes in Canada. The recipients of those mails were asked to receive funds on behalf of some worthy project or other. Many details in the mails show that the authors have an intimate knowledge of at least parts of the Benedictine family.
All these were attempts to defraud the recipients!
If you receive communications from Benedictines with whom you are not normally in contact, and if they involve money (whether receiving or giving), verify the contact through an abbot president, through the CIB or through the office of the abbot primate. For official correspondence from Sant’Anselmo, we will always use addresses that end with @anselmianum.com.