Father Jesús María Sasía Sopeña
San José Abbey
Güigüe, Carabobo, VENEZUELA
7 January 2020
San José Abbey
Güigüe, Carabobo, VENEZUELA
7 January 2020
St. Maurus Abbey Hanga
Hanga, Ruvuma, TANZANIA
31 December 2019
Abtei Schweiklberg
Vilshofen an der Donau, GERMANY
15 January 2020
Kloster Huysburg
Dingelstedt, Saxony-Anhalt GERMANY
4 January 2020
Saint John's Abbey
Collegeville, Minnesota USA
17 December 2019
The Way of Benedict: Eight Blessings for Lent by Laurentia Johns OSB of Stanbrook Abbey, England, is a newly-published Lent book that also includes ideas for reflection and action at the end of each chapter.
Saint Vincent Archabbey
Latrobe, Pennsylvania USA
29 December 2019
On 2 January, the Sant'Anselmo community celebrated 70th birthday of the Abbot Primate. AD MULTOS ANNOS!
Abbaye du Cœur Immaculé de Keur Moussa
4 December 2019
Erzabtei Sankt Ottilien, GERMANY
7 December 2019