Brother Raphael Lang OSB
Abtei Schweiklberg
Vilshofen an der Donau, GERMANY
25 July 2021
Abtei Schweiklberg
Vilshofen an der Donau, GERMANY
25 July 2021
Marmion Abbey
Aurora, Illinois, USA
19 July 2021
Abbaye de Maredsous
9 July 2021
From 25-27 May, the abbots and delegates of the Swiss Benedictine Congregation met in the monastery of Mariastein for the annual chapter. They elected Abbot Vigeli Monn of Kloster Disentis successor to outgoing president Abbot Christian Meyer of Engelberg.
Abbaye Saint-Pierre De Solesmes
Solesmes, FRANCE
15 June 2021
Abtei Münsterschwarzach
Schwarzach am Main, GERMANY
14 June 2021
Saint Martin's Abbey
Lacey, Washington, USA
26 May 2021
Saint Martin's Abbey
Lacey, Washington, USA
20 May 2021
We interview Professor Daniel McCarthy OSB, of the Pontifical Institute of Liturgy at the Pontifical Athenaeum Sant'Anselmo, who will teach the Latin in English in Rome program during the Academic Year 2021-22.
Saint Andrew Abbey
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
3 May 2021