The 93rd General Assembly of the Union of Superiors General was held in Rome on 27-29 November 2019 at Centro Pellegrini Santa Teresa Couderc.
Abbot Primate Gregory Polan, O.S.B., Abbot General Giuseppe Casseta, O.S.B., Abbot President Elias Lorenzo, O.S.B Abbot President Jeremias Schroeder, O.S.B. and Abbot President Guillermo León Arboleda Tamayo, O.S.B. were among the 400 superiors present. The theme of the assembly was “Religious Life in the 21st century.” Among the presenters were Cardinal Michael Czerny, S.J. with updates on the Amazon Synod, Sr. Sheila Kinsey, F.C.J.M. on practical applications of Laudato Si, Mons. Matteo Visioli from the C.D.F. on Vos estis lux mundi and Fr. Michael O’Murchu, M.S.C. on discernment of prophetic witness. A panel of four young religious also spoke to the assembly on their discernment to consecrated life. Finally, the assembly ended with a plenary session with Pope Francis in the synod hall.