Father Plácido Lopes de Oliveira OSB was born on 19 November 1941. He professed his monastic vows on 11 July 1965 at the Our Lady of Monserrate Abbey in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and was ordained priest on 20 December 1969. Father Plácido returned to God at about 4.10 p.m. on 27 September 2019. He was in his 77th year of age, 54th year of monastic profession and 49th year of priesthood.
Being gifted by God with a unique voice, he spent his whole life singing the glories of the Lord and serving our community with exemplar constancy to the Divine Office. He was for many years choirmaster, first singer and also teacher in our school.
We commend the peaceful repose of Father Plácido Lopes de Oliveira OSB to the prayers of the Benedictine Confederation.