Photo : Fratello Simon | Sant’Anselmo, Roma

Fr. Pius (Peter) Boa OSB

He was born in Mbulu in September 1972. His parents Charles Erro and Maria Slaqwara gave him the name of Peter at baptism. Peter was the first born in their family of seven children. From his childhood, his parents taught him the Christian values which later paved his way into religious life. That is why after he had finished secondary school, he joined Usa River Seminary in Arusha where he finished in 1998.

One year later in 1999, Peter was received in our community as a Postulant. At the beginning of his Novitiate, he was given a new name: Pius. He successfully finished his novitiate and started Philosophical Studies in Arusha. This was 2001. His Theological Studies followed in Morogoro between 2005-2010. While his final profession was in July 2007, his priestly ordination was in June 2010.

Fr. Pius was mostly a formator. He held different positions as assistant novice master (2008- 2010). After attending the formators’ course in Rome, he was given a task to be the novice master of the community, a role he played effectively from January 2011 until October 2021. In between, however, he was given an opportunity to study monastic theology in Rome at the level of Licentiate. In November 2021 he took up a different apostolate on Usambara mountains as parish priest of Sakharani. Actually he was a direct successor of Fr. Cornelius.

A lot can be said about Fr. Pius. He was simple and committed and always concentrated his mind on his work. He was easily approachable and extremely reliable in the duties assigned to him. Even during his relatively short time in Sakharani as parish priest, he had already initiated asignificant renovations of the aging parish, starting with the parish house. A grand plan to construct a new church to replace the current wooden one was underway. Our community and parishioners of Sakharani will miss Fr. Pius for generations to come.