Father Matthias Wenig OSB
Abtei Schweiklberg
Vilshofen an der Donau, GERMANY
28 October 2021
Beuron Congregation Elects New President
On Sunday, 17 October 2021, the Electoral Chapter of the Beuronese Benedictine Congregation elected the Beuronese monk Fr. Dr. Franziskus Berzdorf OSB as their new abbot president. Story, photos and links here.
New President of the Slav Benedictine Congregation
The Prior of Cokovac Priory in Croatia, Fr. Jeronim Marin, was elected as the new Abbot President of the Slav Benedictine Congregation. Story and links here.
Austrian Benedictines and Sustainability
Abbot President Johannes Perkmann OSB chaired the regular General Chapter of the Austrian Benedictine Congregation addressing questions from Laudato si' by Pope Francis.
Roche parla all’inaugurazione accademica di Sant’Anselmo
L'Arcivescovo Arthur Roche, Prefetto della Congregazione per il Culto Divino e la Disciplina dei Sacramenti, nel suo primo discorso pubblico dopo la sua nomina ha tenuto una conferenza accademica in cui afferma di "esporre i principi per la riforma liturgica". Storia, link e foto qui.
Father Boniface Ojaka OSB
Prince of Peace Tigoni Abbey
Limuru Town, KENYA
10 October 2021