Photo courtesy of Saint Vincent Archabbey

Retired Archabbot Douglas R. Nowicki, O.S.B., who passed away on July 23 at the age of 79, served as the eleventh Archabbot of Saint Vincent Archabbey in Latrobe from 1991 until his retirement in 2020. A native of Everson, Pennsylvania, Nowicki was deeply committed to the growth and development of Saint Vincent, overseeing numerous construction projects, renovations, and expansions across the Archabbey, College, Parish, and Seminary. His tenure was marked by significant enhancements, including the restoration of the Archabbey Basilica, the establishment of the Fred M. Rogers Center, and the construction of the Sis and Herman Dupré Science Pavilion. His leadership extended beyond the physical campus, fostering relationships with religious leaders worldwide and expanding opportunities for students, monks, and seminarians.

Archabbot Douglas’ legacy includes a lifetime of service to the Benedictine community and contributions to education and pastoral care. Before his election as Archabbot, he held various roles, including Secretary for Education of the Diocese of Pittsburgh, pastor, and psychological consultant to “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood.” His influence was further reflected in the expansion of the Seminary’s facilities and international outreach, along with hosting prominent figures like Fred Rogers and Prince Ludwig of Bavaria at Saint Vincent. A beloved leader, he is remembered for his dedication to the community and his favorite quote from Saint Vincent founder Boniface Wimmer: “Forward, always forward, everywhere forward.” Memorial services for Archabbot Douglas were held at Saint Vincent Archabbey, with contributions in his memory directed to the Benedictine Health and Welfare Fund.

His inspiring obituary is posted on the Saint Vincent web site at the link below. We extend our condolences to the Saint Vincent Archabbey and Seminary community.